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Using Beanie Boos as a Behaviour Management Tool

We all know about Beanie Boos; colourful creatures with big glittery eyes that are soft and cuddly and all kids love.

Being on an infants class I quickly noticed how much my students loved Beanie Boos and how many of them brought them to school to play with. So from seeing this I decided to find a way to incorporate my students interest in and love of Beanie Boos into my behaviour management plan.

The first thing I did was to buy four Beanie Boos and then I attached them to lanyards. I have them hung up near my table so they are easily noticeable and accessible to my students.

Throughout the day I choose students to wear them if they are showing me safe, responsible and respectful behaviour. I then mark it on a chart and when students reach 5 times of wearing the Beanie Boos they get a star reward and 5 Dojo Points. Of course these can be changed to a different reward for getting to wear the Beanie Boo or the Beanie Boo can be its own reward.

Beanie Boos are a simple and inexpensive way to utilise student interests to promote and encourage positive behaviours in the classroom. And the kids feel proud to show off their achievement!

You can buy Beanie Boos from many different shops and online stores. I bought mine from

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